Summer to Autumn: back again

It seems that my home state was determined to show me how lovely the weather can be while I was back there, especially last week. Sunny days of warm temperatures eased the transition out of daylight savings. When I observed weather reports, there was a consistent difference of five or more degrees Celsius between the two states, my home state being warmer every time!

Crossing the border yesterday was almost hilarious with the drop in temperature noticeable, and not based merely on the passing of time. I crossed the border soon after midday, and stopped for lunch at about 2pm, managing to get home soon after dark more than four hours later. Stepping out of the car onto damp ground, I realised it must have rained this side of the border. It was cold enough that I finally needed the jacket I had with me - at least until I entered my room! Such a warm welcome! The heating had been switched on while I was away, and my room was toasty. Besides that, I managed to time my arrival to when my two housemates were just sitting down to eat dinner, and they generously served a third helping so that I could join them!

Morning tea: apple dutch cake and chai latte! Delicious!

An example of the beautiful weather (29 degrees Celsius)
It has rained on and off all day today! Autumn is in earnest this side of the border. I was startled to realise how green the grass is outside, after the mostly brown quality which characterised the backyard only two weeks ago. Or did it? I think I'm going to have to check my photos! But it is nice to have weather more like what I expected to see while living here: overcast, wet, cold (although not very cold still). It won't be long before I doubt my memories of the wonderfully warm and hot weather we experienced over the summer! We'll have to wait and see what summer will bring at the end of the year.

On a different note, I am amused by how few people have read my last post compared to all the others. Either you all had a much more interesting weekend, and therefore had no time to read it, or the title scared you off! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, as I did.

I have tried a new tea today, which I found rather interesting. Dilmah have brought out a range of flavoured black teas, with some fascinating combinations. The one I tried today was Mango and Strawberry flavoured black tea. Hot, not iced. It has a wonderful scent, and a pleasant taste, although I think it will take some getting used to. Oh well, there are still nineteen teabags to go! I have decided that this will be one I drink without milk, even though I usually drink black tea with milk (although I drink white tea without milk - but that should wait for another post). Have you tried anything new lately, tea or otherwise?

Anyway, we are going to have no electricity for a few hours tomorrow, so I should actually go do those readings now... Chat soon!


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