940 AD. Another year of death:

Aethelstan (Athelstan), Anglo-Saxon king of England, died. During his reign he "gained sovereignty Wales, Strathclyde, the Picts, and the Scots."

Masakado Tairo, emperor of Japan, died March 25 at Kitayama in Shimosa Province, having been subdued the previous year by two rivals.

Arab calligrapher Abu ali Muhammad Ibn ali Ibn Muklah died in prison after being made vizier three times; he reputedly invented a cursive script for Arabic lettering (nashkhi) to replace the angular Kufic. (For all three, see here.)

I'm a bit amused that I seem to have to use different websites every time! None of the ones I've used in the previous two posts have had anything for 940AD. Except for Wikipedia. So, have a look here if you want to see what that site has to say.


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