Jumping nearly half a century forward, what will have changed?

Ooh! More than just significant deaths! First up we have "Sweden's Erik VIII Bjornsson defeats a Viking army at Fyrisvallarn near Uppsala and will be remembered as Erik "Seirsal" ("Victorious")." Although, technically I suppose a military victory would involve significant numbers of deaths... Hmmm...

Next we have "the Danish king Harald II (Bluetooth) dies after a 35-year reign and is succeeded by his son Sweyn (Forkbeard), who will defeat the Norwegians, Swedes, and Wends; conquer England; and reign until 1014." That means that the son reigned for 29 years - quite the longevity in the family!

And some more church history: "The antipope Boniface VII dies suddenly at Rome in July and is succeeded in August by the Crescentii family's candidate for the papal throne; he will reign until 996 as John XV." (All three are sourced from this website, which was also cited in the previous historical post here.) Read a bit further back for some of the intrigue in Italy. The previous pope may have starved or been murdered while in prison the year before! (I am curious now about when and how he became known as the antipope!)

But wait, there's more! A trip over to the suspicious Wikipedia includes the following information (here):
  • Barcelona sacked by the troops of Almanzor (whoever or whatever they/it might be)
  • Erik the Red, an Icelandic Viking, colonised Greenland
  • Lady Wulfruna founds what becomes the city of Wolverhampton (very cool name!)
  • Raja Raja Chola I becomes Emperor of the Chola Empire (southern India, from my interpretation of the map provided here)
  • Cnut the Great is born! (Love this name, too!) He went on to become king of Denmark, England, Norway and parts of Sweden. (See here.)
  • One final, sad death - Kishi Joo, Japanese Waka poet and lady of the court (apparently Waka is like haiku, only slightly longer... I skimmed this). She is one of five women included in the list of poetic exemplars from around this period of Japanese history (Here.)
Finally, some female entrants! And quite the world tour! How far will the next leap forward take us? I personally am hoping to find out some random things from 1066, if anything random will be available... Just over 80 years to go!


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