Little high, little low...

It is interesting to observe my own emotional lifts on drops, although usually I am too busy feeling a particular way to think about it very much.

Nothing unexpected has happened, and yet I find myself feeling quite low lately. How much of this is because I have said another goodbye this week, and have another significant goodbye to say by the end of the week, I am not sure. Neither am I sure how much is to do with how long I've been away from my family, and that I missed spending my birthday with them. Or is it the book I've been reading? Or the fact that I haven't done any flamenco in a long time? Or the weather?

What strategies do you have for improving your mood when you are feeling a bit down? I tend to read a book (a novel), watch something on TV or dvd that I really like, dance, or bake. So which one did I choose today?

To start off with, I finished my novel this afternoon. Always a bit sad, though, to reach what is probably the end of a good series. So, not so helpful this time!

So tonight, after finishing one of my readings, I decided to relax and try to bake a sponge cake for the first time. It was not as hard as I thought it might be, thanks to the recipe book I borrowed from my neighbours! I even had a go at making coloured sponge cake, to attempt layering two different colours in little shaped cakes, and this is how they turned out:

They tasted pretty good!

And now I have spent the rest of the evening online, writing this post, and trying to make an important decision about my birthday present. But more on that topic another time!


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