With my back to the wall

I find I prefer one particular spot for studying, and looking around myself I thought about what my chosen location may say about my subconscious thinking, maybe even about my literary tastes. I like to sit at the table with my back to the wall.

Have you ever noticed that certain types of characters in certain types of books and movies tend to choose to sit with their back to the wall? With a good view of all the entrances?

The lounge/dining room/kitchen of the place I am living in has five doors: 3 external doors and 2 doors which open onto small passageways to the bedrooms and bathrooms. From where I am sitting all five of these doors are within my range of sight, even though some rely upon peripheral vision. It means that from this space I can most easily see anyone entering the room, and even those who are simply approaching the building or walking past when the curtains are open, as they are at the moment. I can see a lot of the activity around the place without actually being involved in it. But it is also easy to greet people, and have conversations.

I'm not sure how conducive to good concentration that might be!

However, from memory, most of the characters I referred to above sit with their backs to the wall in situations where there is risk, so that they will be better prepared to face violent or problematic situations if they arise. Why have I not read (or remembered) any stories which indicate a less violent reason for sitting in such a position? Can you think of any books or movies that might include such a situation?

It is interesting that this position is sought as easier to defend, with greater vision of what is happening in a space, to prevent someone attacking from behind, when this is also a position or vulnerability and difficult escape from a situation. Generally we speak of having our back against the wall in the negative sense of being forced into a position which we do not like.

Where do you prefer to sit when working or studying? Facing a wall or a window, facing an open room, or somewhere else - maybe even with your back to the wall?


  1. Hey Sharna, I prefer studying so I can see the majority of the room and find it most conducive to study when there is a hit of activity. I am assuming you are in A block again. Nat

  2. Yes, A block at the moment. My be moving to B block, but may not - not decided yet. Will write about the move if it happens!


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