From the other side of the border...

I have now had two days of my course, and I'm loving it so far!

But first, an update on my journey over. I am not a huge fan of drinking water, although I try to make sure I have some on a long car trip like the trip I made on Sunday. However, I prefer to have some variety. This time I tried a new flavour of iced tea, which I had never seen or heard of before. I wonder if any of you have? I must say, I quite enjoyed my mango and pineapple Nestea iced tea, especially with a tuna mornay pie and a seat in the lovely park beind the bakery before I left my home state.
If this works, you should see a picture of the iced tea and the park somewhere on this page!

Most of the trip was uneventful. Roadworks, however, added extra spice to the last hour or so of the drive. By this time I was driving in the dark, heading towards the city, with more traffic. There were drivers ignoring the roadworks speed limits, and strange lights (flashing yellow for trucks, stationary yellow for roadwork markers, and some very odd green vertical bars on an overpass). What a relief to finally arrive and be able to settle in to my new room with the help of my housemates!

The course started first thing on Monday morning: 8:30am orientation, which finished ahead of schedule, leaving us with about an hour of free time, followed by our first class. Surprisingly enough, we reached the end of the time for the class with most of us feeling surprised that we were already finished! I could certainly have happily had more time in that class!

Today we had four hours on the second of the three subjects running at this point in the semester. We will have two subjects start later in the semester - but more on that another time!

On another point, I believe I have fixed my settings so that you may now actually post comments! So please do! I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Summer is fast asleep, still pretty warm here.That tea sounds yum.Hope the week continues to be exciting. Much love xx

  2. Why hello there! I love that flavour of ice tea!! Had it may times before. Also, is that the Bordertown Bakery? That bridge looks familiar!
    It's great to read these posts and to hear about what you're up to.

    1. Yes, it is! Wow, I'm surprised that you have had that flavour before - I have had mango flavour many times, but not mango and pineapple! Thanks for reading. I was wondering if you were the one who had read it from the Netherlands!


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