If only I'd been given tackier things...

This cleaning out business is so hard! And one of the things which is making it hard is my own sentimentality. I don't like to throw things away if someone gave them to me (especially as a present), or if they have memories of times or places or people attached to them.

Which is why I wish family and friends had given me tackier things. Because then it would be so much easier to throw them away!

One of the strangest experiences so far was going through a box which contained items I had actively collected over many years, but which I had stopped collecting many years ago, and which I no longer wanted to keep. But they have so much sentiment attached to them! These dragon figurines had sat on top of my bookshelf throughout all the six years I spent at university, in four households. Many of them were birthday presents. I had named most of them, taking time to think about the personality of each. Some of them were cute, some were beautiful, some were funny.

Even though I don't want most of them any more, throwing them away was hard. But we have got such a large amount of items already to be taken to Goodwill...

So I found myself hoping that some would be broken, so they would be easier to throw out. Or just too tacky for me to reasonably think anyone else would want them - even though I had loved them all.

So if you have given me a present at any point in time, know that I appreciate the thought and the effort that went into choosing it for me. If I have decided not to keep it - if you can even remember what it was - I have not rejected the memories. Thank you for the part you have played in making this cleaning out business hard, because it reminds me how many lives have touched and shaped my own.


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