
Showing posts from March, 2013


What goes through our minds as we form our expectations? Why are we so often wrong? I try to keep my expectations low, so that I am not disappointed, and may actually be pleasantly surprised.

I win when I lose

I have had the ABBA song "Waterloo" stuck in my head for a few days now, since I finished reading "Victory of Eagles" by Naomi Novik, which is set during the Napoleonic era. The novel made me wonder about European history for that time, such as did Napoleon ever invade England? Where was he defeated before his exile? Where is Waterloo, anyway?!

Little high, little low...

It is interesting to observe my own emotional lifts on drops, although usually I am too busy feeling a particular way to think about it very much.

Thinking about my study so far...

So much has happened in the last three weeks that I have hardly mentioned my study! So here is a post about some of the things I am learning.

Happy birthday to me!

I have never been particularly fussed about my birthday, but this year, being interstate from my family, I have thought about it a bit more. And it has been a wonderful day!

Oh Reader, where are you?

One thing I didn't expect about writing a blog: I quite enjoy looking at the statistics so generously provided by blogger for my blog. I love seeing that people are reading what I write, looking at which posts you read the most, and trying to imagine why those might be so interesting!

Heat wave

It has been an especially hot summer, and now at the (theoretical) beginning of autumn we are coming to the end of the longest heat wave on record for the city (since records began) if tomorrow is again over 30 degrees Celsius (which it is supposed to achieve). I personally don't mind hot weather (or cold or wet weather, for that matter), as long as I am not required to be outside in it. Which would generally be all well and good. Except...

With my back to the wall

I find I prefer one particular spot for studying, and looking around myself I thought about what my chosen location may say about my subconscious thinking, maybe even about my literary tastes. I like to sit at the table with my back to the wall.

Saying goodbye...

No, I'm not going anywhere, not anytime soon anyway! But a lot of changes are happening around me, most of which involve saying goodbye.

From the other side of the border...

I have now had two days of my course, and I'm loving it so far! But first, an update on my journey over. I am not a huge fan of drinking water, although I try to make sure I have some on a long car trip like the trip I made on Sunday. However, I prefer to have some variety. This time I tried a new flavour of iced tea, which I had never seen or heard of before. I wonder if any of you have? I must say, I quite enjoyed my mango and pineapple Nestea iced tea, especially with a tuna mornay pie and a seat in the lovely park beind the bakery before I left my home state.

Heading interstate again...

How quickly a week can fly by! I had a great time catching up with lots of friends and family while I was here, and while I am looking forward to the study I will be doing I am not looking forward to the people and events I will be missing.

How much tea to start a blog?

I have been thinking about starting a blog for over a year now, but now seems like a good time to actually start one. (It has taken one cup of tea to make it this far!) Much as I prefer relating in person or by handwriting, I am interstate from my family and most of my friends this year, and intend to be overseas at some point in the next few years, and this seems a simpler, faster way to keep in touch with people I know, as well as to connect with new people along the way. So welcome to the story of my journey!