What happened near the end of the thirteenth century? Resorting to Wikipedia again to make this a quick post!

And it's a papal year!  Celestine V became pope, much to his own surprise apparently, after two years without a pope. (Nicholas IV had died in 1292!) He issued an edict to the effect that a pope was allowed to abdicate, and then he did so on December 13, having worked without much effect as pope for only five months. He was succeeded by Boniface VIII, who became pope on Christmas Eve (seems to be a popular date for becoming pope!), and who worried that his predecessor might be set up as antipope, so he had him arrested and imprisoned! (Is this the pope everyone was referring to when Benedict XVI resigned earlier this year? Apparently not - Gregory XII resigned in 1415, but Celestine was the last one to resign voluntarily before Benedict XVI.)

Other international events:
  • Kublai Khan died February 18.
  • Mściwój II of Pomerania died December 25. I have no idea where Pomerania is! And I pretty much only included him because of his name. (Anglicised version: Mestwin II - cool, but not as cool.)
  • England and Portugal enter the 'first iteration' of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance, apparently the oldest alliance in the world still in force!
  • And England and France declare war on each other. Again. Or is this the beginning of the love-hate relationship? Was the Norman invasion a war between England and France, or not? Does anyone know? I can't be bothered looking it up right now!
  • Scotland allies with France and Norway. Not for the last time, either, I'm pretty sure!
  • Arnolfo di Cambrio designed the Florentine cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore, and begins work on the Basilica di Santa Croce di Firenze, also in Florence.
  • And over in Wales the Strata Florida Abbey is rebuilt.
All in all, an interesting year! What will the next century be like?


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