
The sky is clear blue, and through the window I can see the green grass and bright afternoon sunshine and a splash of autumn yellow on one or two of the trees. Yesterday it rained most of the day, so everything seems a bit cleaner and clearer. There is not a breath of breeze to disturb the scene.

But today has been a Taylor Swift day.
A grey day, a miserable day, in which nothing bad has happened to me personally, other than being teary. The kind of day which requires enough melancholy in the soundtrack to balance out the happy sappy romance which can be even more depressing, somehow. Music with a glimpse of hope in the melancholy sometimes. The kind of day which made me worry that Lady Grey wouldn't be enough to lift the mood, so I had a cup of Prince of Wales tea instead. I love that I am enjoying this addition to my tea collection. But only one teabag left in that box now!

My mood probably hasn't been helped by a late night last night, and an inability to nap this afternoon. But mostly, receiving a text message from my Mum reminded me of things and people that I'm missing at home.

And I really want to be home right now.

I want to be there to see my Nanna and my cousin when they drop around. I want to be able to see my adorable nephew and niece, and my sisters, and my friends. I want to see my new niece or nephew when my sister has her baby. I want my sister and her baby to be healthy and safe through the delivery.

It helped that a friend dropped by and had a brief chat. It was good to spend some time with her while she was here, as she and her husband are heading back home tomorrow.

I know tomorrow won't look so grey. And I have enjoyed a cup of Lady Grey tea as well. And I know I'll appreciate all the people I'm missing so much more when I get a chance to see them again - which will hopefully be sooner rather than later. Plus, it's nearly the weekend! And I am really enjoying my study. And there is still another 19 tracks on my Taylor Swift playlist. And The Cat Empire are releasing a new CD soon! There is so much to look forward to, both sunshine and rain.


  1. An all-to-familiar feeling. But God is still good, and I'm happy to hear The Cat Empire have a new CD coming out :)

  2. Yes, I know you understand!

    Have you seen the cover art for their new albulm? Graeme Base has done the cover art!!! It could be worth buying just for that!

    1. Nope, haven't seen it. I don't really listen to them, I'm just happy for you! But Graeme Base does great art, so I'm sure it's impressive!


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