A (sunny) day in the wide world

I am pretty excited today about some things which may sound a bit odd, but that I thought I might share with those of you who are kind enough to read this blog.

I have had page views from three new countries this week - two today! So if you have visited for the first time in the last few days, or have visited while in a different country, thank you! I enjoy seeing new countries coloured in on my audience statistics.

As an amusing aside, the different statistics on Blogger seem completely unrelated. There are different time frames to set the statistics to: now, day, week, month, all time. Today's page views, when I checked a moment ago, read '2'. So, when I change the time frame to 'day' you would think that there would be '2' in the different areas, yes? Well, this is not in fact the case. There are '4' page views on the statistics for which posts have been viewed, '9' page views on the graph showing when pages were viewed (which seems to be giving the last 24 hours on a timeline), and '10' page views on the audience statistics listed by country. And either '4' or '8' for traffic source statistics which I do not even begin to imagine the possibility of understanding!

Anyway, back to today. With the new countries, I have the fun of seeing most of the top of the map coloured in under the 'week' timeframe! 8 countries which are more or less in a straight line! So, again, thank you for indulging me by reading some of my thoughts! And it makes me wonder whether the difference in time zones or seasons contributes to your activities. Although why some of you with the extraordinary amount of daylight you get today on your summer solstice would be spending time reading blogs on the internet instead of enjoying the daylight is a mystery! Especially seeing that here it is our winter solstice, or the day with the least daylight hours in the year. (I think we are down to a minimum of ten hours, so it isn't really a significant reduction in comparison to the twenty or more hours of sunlight some of you may be experiencing today!) At least we are having a bright, sunny day with our cool temperature. Looking out the window I see green grass, blue hills and a crisp blue sky!

This is my view today! Nice winter weather this week!

Another thing which has made me rather happy was reading about the probability of a rise in the price of Indian tea in the next few months, on the basis of the new code of operations of the India Tea Board which aim to see the working and pay conditions for workers on tea estates improve, as well as a reduction in the use of pesticide. Which will hopefully be great news for all the people working in India on tea estates who help to make life so pleasant for me. And I hope there will be changes in other countries as well. I am also thrilled that this won't affect the prices of one of my newest favourite tea blend brands, as they already exceed the new guidelines - well done, Devotea! Please check out their beautiful website, and let me know if you would like to try a cup of one of their teas with me! Their Aussie Ginger Chai is my favourite chai blend, and Lady Devotea is one of my favourites - competing with my long-time favourite of Lady Grey. I really look forward to trying more of their blends!

So enjoy the sunlight! And have a cup of tea!


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