
It has been a long time since I have posted anything here, but I am going to do more writing from now on. Thank you to those of you who have dropped by in the meantime! It has been a pleasant surprise to see that some people are still checking the blog out!

I have been away from home for more than two months now, and I look forward to getting home before my birthday. Which has made me think about how I plan to celebrate my birthday this year, and wonder about how other people celebrate their birthdays.

Looking back over the last few years, I have celebrated my birthday in three very different ways, two of which you can read about here and here. This year will be different again.

There are very few things in common between the different celebrations, which has made me think about what I expect to happen on my birthday in general. Growing up, we would go out for dinner as a family to a location chosen by the birthday person. We would open presents at home (afterwards, I think!) and would usually have a home made cake with candles for dessert. We had birthday parties for our eighth and sixteenth birthdays, and then a bigger 21st birthday party.

As adults, though, things became a bit different. We wouldn't necessarily meet as a family on the actual day of the birthday if it was mid week, getting together for a special meal at Mum's or at a restaurant or cafe, usually for lunch or dinner, but occasionally for breakfast or brunch. Birthday presents may be received before, during, or after the actual birthday. And we are more likely to do something with friends as well as family now. For quite a few years after high school, my group of high school friends would get together for dinner and a movie for each of our birthdays, with the probability of ending up back at someone's place to chat, play card or board games, and eat more chocolate, chips and lollies! Plus give presents and watch the birthday person open them. But it did not always involve a birthday cake.

So, what do you do to celebrate your birthday? Has it changed significantly as an adult from what you did when you were growing up? Do you have a favourite memory from a birthday? I'd love to hear some of your stories!


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